
The author

Oliver Welsby

Oliver has extensive experience as a both a Designated Safeguarding Lead and a Senior Mental Health Lead and has been leading training and workshops in these fields for staff, students and governors since 2012. He brings a dynamic, authentic and non-judgemental approach to all aspects of training and consultancy. Student and staff wellbeing have always been at the heart of his approach to education. He has a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership; a qualification in which he specialised in the management of Safeguarding with a specific focus on the development of effective mental health strategies within schools and colleges. He is a qualified Mindfulness teacher for both students and staff, an Advanced Safeguarding Trainer, a Senior Mental Health Lead Trainer, A Safer Recruitment Trainer, a CEOP Online Safety Trainer & Ambassador, a Relax Kids Coach, CSE Trainer and qualified Safeguarding Supervisor

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