

Why spend time researching solutions yourself? Tell us what you need and let us do the hard work for you, for free!



Nexus Education has saved schools over 18,000 hours (and over £3.5m) by taking the hours of research involved in the procurement process away from schools and putting solutions in front of you to answer your questions in a speed networking format. We enable you to access vetted solutions (analysed via over a million data points collected from schools across the UK) matched to your needs.

Please provide as much information as possible, for example; current supplier, contract value, date needed.

What are the benefits of letting us do the leg work?

  • The staff time savings we enable (on average 1.5 days saved per attending staff member, per week) means you get immediate cost savings that can be re-invested in delivering positive educational outcomes.
  • The extensive post-event data and insights report we give you supplies the data needed to make effective procurement decisions and provide impactful data to support decision-making for all stakeholders.

  • Time with vetted providers in these workshops offers more effective long-term relationships with key suppliers delivering greater value for money.
  • Time saved by Nexus doing the research enables much shorter supply chains and quicker delivery of goods and services.
  • Use the workshops to invite other schools and academies in your area and showcase the added benefits of joining your trust.
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