
The author

Neelam Parmar

Dr. Neelam Parmar currently works as Director of E-Learning at Ashford School, United Learning. She was previously employed as The Director of Digital Innovation and Learning across The London Preparatory Schools in South West London and was instrumental in leading the transformational change of embedding technology within teaching and learning. Neelam draws on her research and practical experiences of working with technology and believes that through effective technology, pedagogic, and content integration, there is great potential in creating virtual learning systems to close the widening educational gap. Neelam regularly presents as a keynote speaker around the UK and internationally on the role of EdTech in education, providing strategy, roadmaps and cpd programmes for blended and flipped learning approaches. Neelam has published books on Digital Literacy in the Primary curriculum and Digital Parenting with United Learning. She is the South East Regional Lead for #WomenEd and represents them in her role as @WomenEdTech. Neelam has supported schools, local councils, and NGO’s and advises organisations how best to develop their digital strategies. She has also won an award of Excellence in eLearning by Global LearnTech Congress & Awards for her work in setting standards in Educational Technology.

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