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Don’t Borrow Anxiety

Summer is finally here and the sun’s shining but teachers can still feel anxious. Cate Knight challenges us to think differently.

What are we anxious about? September? Well, it can wait. Take time to relax and recharge so you can give your best when September comes.

Summer Cate Knight

This advice was given to me by a colleague recently. She explained it beautifully.
Does the anxiety belong to someone else? Are they transmitting it to you?
If so, don’t borrow it. It’s not yours. Just say “no thanks”.
Is the anxiety from the past?
Is it something that belongs in the past?
If so simply return it and say “I’m done borrow this now”.
Is the anxiety about the future?
Does it belong to tomorrow? Next month? Next term? Next year?
If so, why borrow in advance? Simply wait for the due date and then deal with it. Borrowing it won’t fix it faster.
At the time I thought “yeah! Easier said…” but actually, I wake each day and think “what will today bring and ask of me?” Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow isn’t here yet. I’m living more in the moment.
We get so caught up in “what if?”
What if OFSTED come? What if there’s a book trawl? What if my room isn’t ready before September?
Change “what if?” To “so what if?”…

What is the impending doom?
What will actually happen?

The truth is, no one will die, the school won’t flay you alive (they can’t really do much to you even if they make you FEEL like they can!!), OFSTED do not have the power to strip you of your QTS and turn you out on the streets…
More importantly, the kids will still turn up with stories of summer, excited or reluctant, needing your guidance. They do not care much for the displays or seating layout. They care about you.

You need to care about you too!

So don’t borrow anxiety. Have an anxiety free break. Genuinely take time to replenish, do the things YOU love. Live each day in the moment and revel in the gorgeousness of life.

You only get one and there are no extensions or borrowing extra time!

Have a fab holiday!

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The author

Cate Davies

Cate has been a teacher for 20 years. She has worked internationally and across all key stages in the UK. Her secondary specialism is Performing Arts with a keen interest in PSHE/RSE. Cate is recently married with two cats who keep her busy and an allotment that requires more time than she can give it!

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