“If you were teaching this lesson again, what 1 thing would you do exactly the same? And if you could change 1 thing what would you do differently?”
These are the 2 questions I ask anyone I have just been observing teach. The questions help me understand how reflective the teacher is about their own practice.
As an ECT (Early Career Teacher), you should expect to be formally observed at least 6 times over your induction. The first observation will usually take place in the first half term. These observations will be led by your induction tutor and will compliment your weekly observations that are carried out by your mentor.
The first observation can help set a baseline and can be useful for devising targets and support moving forward.
However, if there is something you want to celebrate, something you are working on, or you’re having difficulties, you can request informal observations as much as you like!
Every school’s observation system might look different, but here are some ideas about what to expect and tips to help you succeed.
As an ECT you would expect to be observed formally by your induction tutor mainly. This is usually the case, however, an induction tutor can’t be amazing at everything (no matter how we try!). It may be more appropriate or beneficial for the Maths subject lead to observe you if Maths is an area you are working on. Equally, it may be about staff development, and as part of the maths leader’s CPD, they may feel it beneficial to observe you with the support of your induction tutor. The headteacher of the school may also do a formal observation of you from time to time (if this is not the induction tutor). Whilst the induction tutor is empowered by the head, head teachers will often want to ensure they have a firm understanding of the quality of teaching in their school in case visitors arrive!
Ofsted do not grade individual lessons so neither should your school (this is not always the case). You should have areas of strength and areas for development identified. These areas for development should be agreed upon with you, and support for meeting them should be identified.
It is important that feedback happens as close to the event as possible, it is more meaningful and also removes the stress from the anticipation of the feedback. Your observer should give you an indication of when your feedback will be given. If they haven’t come to find you, go and find them and offer a gentle reminder that you are awaiting your feedback.
When being observed, do your best to ignore the ‘body’ in the room. Those furtive glances as they are scribbling away will distract you from the task at hand. “What are they writing?; What did I just say?; Was that a good thing?” In that way, madness lies. If you ignore them you can focus on the task at hand. Your observer will also want to speak to the children, look in their books and get a feel as to how ‘typical’ a lesson this is.
Any observer wants the lesson to go well. We want you to show off what you can do. No one is coming in expecting it to be a disaster! Have that faith in yourself. Know that what you are doing is the best that you can do and don’t anticipate it going wrong (self-fulfilling prophecy).
If you have been told to do something in the past, or there is a piece of school policy you forgot to implement, don’t do it for the first time in an observed lesson. If it doesn’t go well, you will kick yourself for it, equally when the observer asks a child in your class, ”How useful do you find…?” or “Does your teacher always do this?” The truth will out (This also applies during Ofsted inspections). Embedding new advice or a new routine takes time. Everyone is aware of that, just be honest and keep working on it.
Every single teacher has had a bad lesson observation, anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar! Things happen, the lesson structure you’ve used 3 times before doesn’t work on that occasion, or the child has had an argument with their mum and doesn’t feel like doing what you’ve asked today. You can always ask them to come back again and to see you, but be prepared to talk about what went wrong and how you would address it the next time.
The questions I opened this blog with are the sort of questions that you can use after every lesson. Start with the positives, then 1 thing to change. Your observer will want you to share your thoughts on the lesson. If you thought it went badly, be honest. If you felt it went well, be honest. Be prepared to justify why you thought that, and link it back to the impact on the children. As teachers we find it hard to talk about ourselves in positive terms, but start by reflecting on the positives the children did, and then how what you did allowed them to succeed in that way.
Ultimately your observation should be a chance to share what is going well for you, with some areas for development. See your observations for what they are. A CPD opportunity and a chance for you to develop. It’s strange but you will miss regular observations. That feedback to know you are doing a good job. For some of you moving from your training to your ECT induction, you may find it strange that no one is popping in or informally observing you.
Be reflective between observations, use the 2 questions at the start of the blog. And enjoy the lesson observations when they happen.
You’ve got this!