Flintshire based educational events company, Nexus Education, recently hosted its second annual awards evening. This year the event was held at Tottington Primary School in Bury.
Following on from the success of 2019’s event, held in Shropshire, the Nexus Education Awards 2020 once again recognised the contribution of educational bloggers, school leaders and providers from across the UK.
Co-Founder, Damien Challenger, said, ”We were very proud to have held the Nexus Education Awards 2020 at Tottington Primary School. The event was a fantastic evening bringing together teachers, senior school leaders, providers and bloggers from our 11,000+ community for a free evening of food, drink and amazing guest speakers.”
Fellow co-founder, Mike Reardon, continued, ”Nexus Education is a company that likes to give back, whether it be through our NeXworking donations, where we will be donating over £100,000 to schools before 2022, our support of various charities such as Education Support or via our annual awards evening.”
Tottington Primary School Headteacher, Stephen Holden, commented, ‘’Tottington Primary School were lucky enough to host the Nexus Awards this year. It was a privilege to be surrounded by forward thinking educationalists in such a well organised event. The speakers and award winners were truly inspirational and gave us all food for thought, particularly in terms of looking after our own and others’ wellbeing. It was also great to hear about all the fantastic work Nexus Education does to bring educators and education solutions together in a collaborative way. Thank you Nexus for such a professionally organised and positive evening, it was an honour to be involved.‘’
A date has already been set for 2021’s awards, Friday 19th February, with a venue and nominees to be announced over the coming months.
Want to be involved in next year’s awards?
All you need to do to be invited, and considered for nomination, in 2021 is submit a blog. Visit http://nexus-education.com/blogging-guidelines/ or email rhiannon@nexus-education.com for more info!