
The author

Samantha Scott

During the last twenty (or so!) years following graduating with an education degree and masters from Cambridge University, Samantha has taught primary age pupils including EYFS across state and independent schools. She has been a member of the SLT in several settings including the Deputy Headteacher at three schools, has qualified to inspect ISI schools and now is the Headteacher at Heathcote Preparatory School and Nursery in the beautiful leafy village Danbury, Essex. Samantha says her main joy has been to ensure that pupils receive the very best in their education, excellence for academic provision and progress alongside opportunities that go beyond their age regarding access to a wide range of extracurricular activities, sporting and creative lessons. She relishes in watching the pupils develop along their own individualised learning journey towards confidence in their abilities and position in the world and being a small part of this always feels such a privilege.

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