All subjects need to be taught equally and with passion even if it isn’t ‘your’ subject. Cate Knight explores how music needs to be promoted in all schools.
Working as a supply teacher is an eye opener. I get to see first hand the disparity in approaches in British schools. One thing that has shocked me is the provision of Arts curriculum in primary schools.
I am aware that, for many primaries, it is very difficult to find someone confident in taking on this remit. Music, especially, is a tricky subject to teach as a non specialist but I have seen some beautifully creative ways of balancing this.
The worst kind of schools are the ones where music is a drudgery or so scarce that learners don’t even recognise it as a subject.
In short, you wouldn’t leave learners in English reading the same poem over and over for a whole year. You wouldn’t give them a maths teacher who loathes maths.
You are the first point of passion for some learners. Be brave! Ask people for help (ask me if you like!)! TRY and find a solution and MOST importantly, inject LOVE and enthusiasm into the teaching of this super special subject! When you do you will see such heartwarming results it will make it all worth it!
To all those schools, nurturing music and doing their utmost to include it and promote it’s importance, I say….
Thank you for the music!”