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Why Should YOU Consider Blogging?

Nexus Education co-founder, Damien, talks about why teachers everywhere should be sharing their experiences, CPD and resources via the medium of blogging.

One question I get asked a lot by teachers across the UK when they first hear about Nexus Education is “Why should I blog?” 

Well, I think that each individual answer is, and should be, different. However having now spoken to hundreds of teachers, and published plenty of blogs, here are just four reasons why you should consider blogging:

  • Blogging is easy!

In fact the hardest part about blogging is setting it up and gaining an audience (both of which writing for Nexus Education already provides for you). If you can write emails then you are able to write a blog.

  • You can help fellow teachers.

Chances are the topic you are blogging or vlogging on is something many others are experiencing in their classrooms and schools. Words are very powerful and your blog has every chance of making a definite, positive impact on someone’s life. Be that a teacher struggling with their workload and looking for tips to help, or a NQT nervous about their first posting – make no mistake, blogs can change people’s jobs and lives!

  • Connect with people like you

Blogging brings people with similar interests together. In this age of social media, networking and CPD it is fantastic to talk about what you are doing well (and what you’re not). It can be daunting opening up your thoughts and feelings to strangers but the cathartic benefits far outweigh any anxiety you may have on how people may react to your piece. There is nothing like having an obscure ‘out of the box’ idea and then meet someone with the same mindset – you never know what fantastic opportunities may arise!

  • Create your personal PR machine

Okay, this may not be for everyone and it may even put some people off, however, blogging can open many doors and lead to opportunities you can’t even imagine. There are so many stories out there of teachers who started blogging as a side project, made some money off it and then realised they had a passion for imparting their ideas on others (hey, isn’t that the essence of teaching?). Teachers have created businesses, started charities and transformed countless classrooms via sharing their ideas with others. Blogging offers you a chance to skyrocket your personal brand, get your ideas out there and, perhaps most importantly, MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

To get started and get your blog out there, or if you just want some advice on where to start, contact Nexus Education now by emailing :

One Reply to “Why Should YOU Consider Blogging?”

  1. Laura says:

    Thanks. I’ve been considering blogging for a while but this has given me the confidence to go ahead and give it a go. I have always thought everyone else knows how to blog and I’m being daft not knowing where to start but it’s great to hear everyone has to start at that point! Love the site by the way!! The blogs are fantastic! !

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The author

Damien is the co-founder of Nexus Education - a collaboration of over 11,000 schools, 500 solution providers and other key figures across the education sector. Nexus encourages, and aids, group collaboration across a number of areas including procurement and training to ensure the best possible outcomes for children in schools all over the UK. Nexus has invested over £100,000 directly into UK schools via #NeXworking.

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